You Can Have Gorgeous Looking Nails With The Use Of Opi Gel Nail Polish

September 13, 2012
by Larry T. Romano

One of the greatest benefits of gel nail polish is that it can last for several weeks without chipping or peeling because it is so durable. That sounds quite amazing and grabs the attention of most women who are thrilled at the thought of having gorgeous nails that last without chipping or peeling. This has been portrayed as a suit of armor that protects your fingernails as you wear it.

What is the difference between the old fashioned nail lacquers and the new nail gel polish that is popular today? Ingredients are the main items that are different. Original nail polishes in the past used some very damaging ingredients that cause concern among most people. There were dangerous vapors created that could be breathed in along with chemicals that could be absorbed through your nail bed. Market research along with testing and studies to make sure that products are safe to use and safer for the environment are parts of a new rigid process that is necessary to develop new gel formulas.

The most neglected parts of our bodies have been identified as our hands and feet. Let\’s face it, there are millions of salons popping up all over to help us provide the care and pampering that our fingers and toes deserve. So there is no longer an excuse to neglect caring for our nails, plus the new products that are also stronger and wear longer than ever before. One of the most thrilling features belonging to the new opi gel nail polish is the durability.

Our hands tolerate very hard treatment that could almost be considered abusive. From pounding on a keyboard to exposing them to extreme temperatures when moving things from freezer to oven. Think about the frequent hand washing that we do and other water exposure that is endured when washing dishes and cleaning. The most recent generation of these nail color wonders don\’t chip or peel and hold up for weeks on end are also unbelievably fashionable.

You can choose from a large selection of various colors that interestingly are identified by some unique names. There is a whole line of colors from one specific brand that includes names like Vodka Lime, Tequila Shot, Rum Cola, Colada Cool and Whiskey Tipsy, which really sound more like a beverage menu listing. Then there are the more common monikers like Blue Lagoon, Berry Sweetie, Barista Babe and Blushing Bride. Because the UV gel nail polish is lightweight it provides a seamless nail finish each tie that is another wonderful feature in addition to the fact that it is long-wearing.

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