How Do I Become an Elementary School Art Teacher – 4 Points

July 21, 2008
by Sandra Wilson

How do I become an elementary school art teacher could be the question you are asking if you have decided that your love for art and children is enough for you to pursue this career. You should already know that the basic foundations an elementary education teacher lays within her students lie in the social and academic areas. As you want to add art to the mix, there will be more you need to do to prepare yourself best.

In this article we will explain to you what you need to do in order to teach elementary school children everything they need to know about art. Initially in order for you to become an elementary school teacher you will need to have some kind of formal education.

Generally a master’s degree is useful. Also you will need to have obtained the correct licenses and certificates for teaching in accordance with the state where you will be doing the teaching.

So as well as having an elementary teacher’s qualifications, those who want to teach art as well would be sensible to get one of the following qualifications in addition to the above. You can either choose to gain your Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree or Bachelor of Visual Arts Degree or you may choose to obtain your Bachelor of Studio Arts Degree.

In your search for the school from which to receive your formal art education, take the following things into consideration. Start with seeing if any of your potential instructors have worked in the same area you are endeavoring to enter – elementary school. This will be a big bonus. If it’s at all possible, get to know these potential instructors and even sit in on some of their classes.

If that works out then the next thing you should do is see what kind of help they will give you after you graduate. Do they have a department or counselor in this potential art school that will help you find a job after you graduate with your degree? They just might charge for this additional service so be sure to find out what the school’s rates are for this job placement service.

Beyond this, you will want to talk to former students that have graduated from the school for their testimonials if the school will let you have some names. Most schools will have several people you can talk to about their program. Try to learn all you can about the school, teachers and job placement service to help you make a decision.

Getting your degree is not just enough, though one would assume you do have an affinity for the subject or you would not have pursued it. You must love art as well so that you are able to lead your elementary school students with enthusiasm as well as knowledge through their art lessons.

It is through having both your elementary school degree and your arts degree that you will finally know the answer to how do I become an elementary school art teacher and be able to help your students to fully utilize their creative talents. It is through these lessons that many children find it much easier to express themselves and you are there to help them achieve this.

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