Three Ways in Which Ordinary Painters Typically Evolve Into Pop Art Practitioners

November 19, 2012
by John Beckvar

There are three major ways in which ordinary painters typically evolve into pop art practitioners. If you\’re wondering who the \’ordinary painters\’ discussed in this topic are, they are those who did not start out in popular art and instead excelled in more conventional movements such as abstract expressionism. There has been a marked evolution from the somewhat snobby conventional art to the popular art that is widely known and loved today. However, it should be emphasized that the evolution was not at all easy or quick. In a way, you can also describe this shift as an evolution because of the growth that the artists believe they have sustained through it all. It is also worth noting that most ordinary painters don\’t just wake up one day, and start to turn into popular art practitioners. It is often a simultaneous process: they create popular art but they do not stop with their conventional art works.

Of course, in due time, it will become noticeable how they will be creating more and more popular art works, and less and less of the conventional art. A point eventually comes when they become dedicated to popular art completely, and when they therefore qualify to be termed as being pop artists. This evolution from conventional art to popular art could be attributed to a number of triggers, and that is what we are going to look into.

By exposing themselves to products of popular art movement, ordinary painters will have better chances at becoming pop art practitioners. Products of popular art are found to be attractive by most ordinary painters once they\’ve been exposed to them. They are subsequently compelled to figure out ways of coming up with similar artist products. Soon they will find themselves deeply immersed in studying popular art practices and techniques. In the process, they keep on getting drawn to popular art, until a point comes where they have absolutely no more interest in conventional art: a point at which their evolution into pop artists is said to be complete.

The second way in which ordinary painters typically evolve into pop art practitioners is through exposure to the literature developed by members of this art movement. Often, the artists who are destined to become popular art practitioners don\’t set out looking for such literature. Rather, they come across the literature \’accidentally.\’ The literature in question tends to go to great lengths, in showing how popular art is better than conventional art which is depicted as, among other things, elitist. You can see how effective the literature is in turning ordinary painters into popular art practitioners.

Another way that would spur your evolution would be if you come into contact with pop art practitioners and spend a lot of time with them. There are marked differences between pop art practitioners and practitioners of other art forms. They seem to have more zest for their art. Apparently, they also earn more from the practice of their art. They derive more meaning from the art that they create. Naturally then, practitioners of conventional art who get to interact with these popular art practitioners are drawn to this particular art movement. They subsequently evolve from being conventional art practitioners, into being popular art practitioners.

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