Effective Ways of Burning Off Fat, Not Muscle

October 21, 2011
by Richard Mason

We do understand if you have been trying to burn fat and not muscle and you have been having a hard time doing so. There are millions of people who know your pain and frustration. Although, reaching this goal does not have to be impossible or frustrating. Having the right information plus dedication and commitment will see it through. If you cant stick to your exercise program then it is most likely because you do not enjoy this one. When you are exercising and think it is fun, or enjoyable, then you will find that you do not mind doing it. Once you start to see positive results you should look forward to exercising.

A lot is known about how the body burns fat but not muscle. We feel that quite a lot of people have problems with it due to the way they carry it out. What this simply means is the amount of motivation a person has might wane after some time, even after a very strong start. The reason behind this happening is another important concern. While we know there are many differences among people, and we cannot possibly guess what they all are, we can mention one possibility. Picking a method that isn\’t the best for oneself is something that many people may do. Yet when they fail in their efforts they might not attempt to find an alternative method. Finding whatever suits you and works best is the most important thing to ensure your success.

Reducing your calorie intake to maintain a deficit is something you must learn to do. You can do this with effectiveness, however do not lower your daily intake of protein and fat. Yes, you will be lowering your consumption of carbohydrates.

There are two large components when it comes to preserving muscle and burning fat. First up your diet must be approached in a serious way. Next is your workout routine that must also be just right for a lot of reasons. Regarding your diet, you will need to take a look at it and make some changes when it comes to carbohydrates, such as removing foods that contain crazily high amounts of carbohydrates. But you shouldn\’t eliminate them altogether from your diet. Some carbohydrates that are found in fruits and vegetables can be taken advantage of. When consumed they will be metabolized by your body for energy, so they not be used for fat storage.

A lot of people think that eliminating fats out of their diet is important, and this includes high fat foods. We agree to fat intake up to a point, as you can\’t do the opposite and eat lots of fatty foods. To stop eating fat completely is a bad idea, you should just eat less high fat foods. The reason has to do with the starvation principle. This phenomenon happens when you starve your body of something, and your body reacts by conserving that which it is being deprived. Removing all fats from your diet will cause your body to store fat a lot more than normal.

We are all familiar with the effect of starvation diets and no-fat diets, etc. Indeed, a few people seem to think they must eliminate all fats from their diet completely. Doing this will almost guarantee no fat loss. The body will recognize that fat intake is at zero, so it will try and protect its fat reserves by going into conservation mode. So what the body or mind must think is there is no need to cling onto any fat. It\’s basically the exact opposite of what the starvation mechanism does. When your body realizes it doesn\’t need the fat it won\’t conserve it. Therefore your body will be free to get burning away at the fat stores, but not the muscle.

Here we have a very old bit of wisdom that has been floating around for a good amount of time. It is, however, certainly something that not everybody knows about, and it\’ll have an impact on your habits of eating. Always chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly. There seems to be some sort of lag, of around 20 minutes, between when you are actually full up and when your brain knows you are.

Bodybuilders will eat a number of small meals throughout the day as opposed to eating fewer bigger ones. Regardless of whether you\’re a bodybuilder or not it\’s a good approach to use. There are a number of methods available to you, so there will be a bit of flexibility. The main reason for doing this strategy is that the smaller but more frequent meals will keep the digestive processes running. The digestive process will actually burn a lot of calories just digesting the food. Also, your stomach will shrink with smaller meals. And you\’ll eat less food if you have a smaller stomach.

A number of flexible ways of burning fat and not muscle are on the table for you to choose from. This is most definitely a good thing because variation and different choices will help you reach your end goal.

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