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Will we be forced to have a children’s trust?
Most areas should have a children’s trust by 2006. The Government expects all areas to have a children’s trust by 2008. By 2008, local authorities are required to have in place arrangements that produce integrated working at all levels, from planning through to delivery, with a focus on improving outcomes. Local authorities may choose not to call this a ‘children’s trust’, but the important point is that the way of working is in place and committed to.
How do children qualify?
Application Specialists will help families complete the application form. The family will provide proof of income and county residency. Annual requalification will be required to maintain coverage.
What led to the development of children’s trusts?
Children’s trusts are a response to Lord Laming’s report of the inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbi, which highlighted the extent to which better working together and better communication are crucial. The evidence from the inquiry confirmed many of the messages from previous inquiries into similar child protection failings: the imperative to see and listen to children and respond to their needs, and to improve the quality of communication and joint working.
Who are the Psychic Children?
Also known as the Children of Oz, these children have been brought to our attention by James Twyman. James has several websites and an excellent book Emissary of Love in which he describes his journey with these children whom he met in Bulgaria. At this time, my information is limited to having read his book and making a psychic connection with them. I am also aware that I, and many others, have been working with the Children of Oz creating a new consciousness grid.
Who are the Indigo Children?
They are known as the “systems busters,” and as such will be one of the main reasons that antiquated systems on the earth are beginning to be dismantled, to change. These children are presently affecting the way we parent and the way we educate. As more of them reach adulthood, they will foster new paradigms in business, government, religion, etc. The Indigo Children will not participate in the”isms” such as racism, sexism, etc.They are known as the “systems busters,” and as such will be one of the main reasons that antiquated systems on the earth are beginning to be dismantled, to change. These children are presently affecting the way we parent and the way we educate. As more of them reach adulthood, they will foster new paradigms in business, government, religion, etc. The Indigo Children will not participate in the”isms” such as racism, sexism, etc.
Why Test Our Children?
This is a very difficult question, and must therefore have a much more personal answer. For many of us, the over-riding reason to test our children is that the results can make a difference. Perhaps the difference is admission to a specific school, or admission to a school’s gifted pull-out program or gifted class. Perhaps its just a matter of proving to the teachers and administration that our child is different, and needs something different in their education.Children’s Care Gateway is a portal to real time clinical information for patients seen at Children’s Hospital.
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