The art of holding a Cuban Cigar

August 14, 2008
by Trevor Wallace

Most people think that all you have to do when smoking a Cuban cigar is you simply pick it up, put it in your mouth and off you go. They think it’s not a big deal and it’s just something you can go about lighting like you would normally do at least when it comes to a Cigarette or something. After all, Cuban cigar ‘holding’ is an art on it’s own.

You are probably thinking what is the big fuss about when it comes to holding a Cigar. You are probably saying to yourself right now that “Relax guy, it is just a Cuban cigar and you light it like anything else”. See this why it is the more ‘influential’ people who consider Cuban cigars there partner in crime if you may would not take it so lightly.

Their is a proper way of holding a Cuban cigar and if you pay close attention, you just might be able to get it. I believe that with proper practice, anyone can do it so don’t think that you can’t. Cuban cigar smoking is meant for everyone who appreciates it and understand that this is truly a precious item and we are lucky enough to appreciate it and get it upon will or when we really want to smoke one.

The proper way to hold a cigar is either between your index finger and middle finger on top and with your thumb at the bottom or if you are the true alpha male like real Cuban cigar smokers, than you wrap that index finger around that Cuban cigar and just enjoy the entire smoke. This is how professionals do it and this is how it should be done as far as I’m concerned.

Cuban cigars have encyclopedia’s dedicated to them because their is just so much to learn. You have to understand that it is a tradition that goes back years and years and it actually part of the Cuban heritage. Cuban tobacco is the best in the world and absolutely nothing about it should be taken lightly.

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