It is all in the aging my friend
Since the day Cuban cigars were discovered, they have enjoyed a healthy growth with period of slowness every once in a while. That is just a natural curve for things, you go up, you come down, you stay steady for a while, you get the idea. Cuban cigars once professionally packaged, were ready to go right off the bat. You would just open a cuban cigar box of your favorite Montecristo cigars or what not and go from there. Sometimes you would share them with a rest of your friends, sometimes you would simply keep them to your yourself.
Cigars are for the ladies too
Who said Cuban cigars is just for men? Women have been smoking Cuban cigars since they came out. In fact Cuban cigars and women go hand in hand. However, it took a long time in our ‘backwards’ society for women to get to where they are at. Cuban cigars is just another thing that brings both sexes together to have a good time and enjoy one of nature’s finest gifts to mankind, which is definitely the Cuban tobacco and everything it encompasses.
The art of holding a Cuban Cigar
Most people think that all you have to do when smoking a Cuban cigar is you simply pick it up, put it in your mouth and off you go. They think it’s not a big deal and it’s just something you can go about lighting like you would normally do at least when it comes to a Cigarette or something. After all, Cuban cigar ‘holding’ is an art on it’s own.